Wednesday, July 11, 2007

It's been a while!

Again I fall into my slacker routine! What's happened in the last month...

1. My father came to visit. First time he saw our house. It gave him lots of flashbacks to the house he grew up in.

2. I got accepted to the Digitals CT! Very excited about that as Digitals was one of the first sites I ever posted on and it's the home of my favorite Sue Jones (and I'm not just saying that because she's kept me around for over a year)!

3. Our church moved. We are now renting the church that the whole Salem Witch Trials started from. The building has been rebuilt a few times due to fires, but this was THAT church.

4. I started work at the summer program at the Consortium again. Within hours I realized I don't want to be working, but need the money too much not to. Also realized why I left and why I much prefer my "real" job.

That pretty much sums it up!

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