Monday, July 30, 2007

Wet Leaves

Every once in a while I like to try to go "deep." Thank you Mara for pushing me in! The following is the journaling I will be including on a layout for the Amazing Digi Scrapping Race.

I’m sure my father has passed down some brilliant words of wisdom to me over the years. After all, he’s a very smart guy and I am Daddy’s Girl. Unfortunately, all those insightful tidbits and life’s lessons have slipped in and out of my mind. Most likely they have hit their mark and become so much a part of who I am that I cannot recall them as “advice given” anymore. That is, all but one…

When I began driving and became one of those “responsible motorists” that we all become at the age of 16, my dad gave me some advice that I, at first, brushed off as “Dad just being silly.” He told me, “Watch out for the wet leaves.”

Why did this small piece of advice stick with me? I mean, after all, it doesn’t answer all of life’s burning questions. It doesn’t bring us any closer to world peace. It doesn’t help me pay the bills. It doesn’t get me through life’s disappointments. Or does it?

Was Dad just warning me that wet leaves in the road can be slippery and cause me to crash my precious 1985 Toyota Tercel hatchback? Or was he trying to teach me an important and valuable deeper lesson in life? After all, I imagine those “wet leaves” situations pop up in our lives on a regular basis. Could he have really been telling me to be alert, be aware and to watch my step as I go through the day to day of my life? I think so.

What are those things in my life that side-track me? That cause me to be less than I want to be? That prevent me from living the life that I want for me, that my parents want for me, that my husband and children want for me and, most importantly, that GOD wants for me? Those are the real “wet leaves” I need to look out for. I guess that the “silly” warning from my father holds a whole lot more meaning than I originally saw. Don’t get me wrong, every time I get into my car on those damp autumn days his words come back to me as clear as the first day he said it but I think it would serve me well to remember those words at other times as well. To sit back and ask myself, “is this a ‘wet leaves’ situation?”

Now that I’ve had a chance to really ponder the meaning of Dad’s words I think this is an important lesson to make sure I pass along to my children. Right now, while they’re young it’s up to me to navigate the “wet leaves” in their lives. But soon, much sooner than I would like, they will leave my safe little nest and drive those damp autumn roads alone. I think I should take a page from my father’s book and make sure they know…

“Watch out for the wet leaves.”

Here's the layout I created with this journaling.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Less Than a Week

It's less than a week until my Breast Cancer 3-Day. I have to say I am disappointed in how my family has supported me in this. I have a huge family and it would be nothing for me to reach my goal if each of them gave a measley $10. Yet of my entire family, only my mother, grandmother and 1 aunt have chosen to support me in this endeavor. Whatever. I guess I just have to remember that it's for a good cause. It's just that it's been such a big deal to me that it's hard to accept that everyone else could care less.

Ok, enough of my pity party.

If anyone out there in cyberworld would like to support me I would love it. You can do so at:

Sorry to be so blah.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

It's my anniversary!

NINE years! I can't believe it's been that long already. The time has flown by. No big plans this year. Who am I kidding! We haven't made big plans since our fifth anniversary! Although we do try to plan our family vacation right around our anniversary. People always think we're crazy taking the kids with us on our anniversary, but for us, they are our family so why shouldn't we include them? After all, if it weren't for the marriage there'd be no anniversarys and there'd be no kids! They go hand-in-hand if you ask me!

I think we are going to go out to dinner and then Paul's going to take me shopping for exciting socks and clothes for my walk. Then it's home to a night in front of the TV and cleaning!

It's been a while!

Again I fall into my slacker routine! What's happened in the last month...

1. My father came to visit. First time he saw our house. It gave him lots of flashbacks to the house he grew up in.

2. I got accepted to the Digitals CT! Very excited about that as Digitals was one of the first sites I ever posted on and it's the home of my favorite Sue Jones (and I'm not just saying that because she's kept me around for over a year)!

3. Our church moved. We are now renting the church that the whole Salem Witch Trials started from. The building has been rebuilt a few times due to fires, but this was THAT church.

4. I started work at the summer program at the Consortium again. Within hours I realized I don't want to be working, but need the money too much not to. Also realized why I left and why I much prefer my "real" job.

That pretty much sums it up!